Monday 15 June 2020

List Of Natural Remedies For Gum Disease

List of Natural Remedies for Gum Disease

There are many natural remedies for gum disease. Before we explore them, it is worth looking at why you are looking for a natural remedy for gum disease in the first place.

Most people are looking for a natural remedy for gum disease because they are suffering from either loose teeth, bone loss, bad breath, or there is some general form of gum infection which is causing the gums to shrink.

In almost all cases, the cause of the gum disease, the receding gums, the bleeding gums, other spongy gums, is bacteria growing in the socket between the tooth and the gum. Dentists have known this for over 100 years.

This socket it is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. If left on their own, these bacteria will soften your gums, reduce and eventually destroy your gums, which is holding the tooth in place.

So you will lose your teeth unless you effectively treat the infection in your gum.

Antibiotics for Gum Disease – how Long Does it Take to Work?

Most people try antibiotics from the dentist. These often do work in the short term. For instance, you will notice after two weeks that the infection has gone, and you will think that your gums are clean and healthy.  

Normally, about a month later, you will also notice that your gums have started to bleed again, your gums have started to become spongy, and the whole process of gum infection and tooth loss has returned.  

Only this time it is worse, it is much worse  

Why is it worse? it is worse because you have weakened your already weak immune system with the use of antibiotics. These antibiotics I designed to kill life. That is where the name comes from,

anti = against
biotic = life

so, these pills are against life.

They will damage the necessary organisms of your immune system, they will weaken your immune system, so when possible avoid antibiotics.

If you are looking for a natural remedy for gum disease, what forms of natural remedies are available to you

Peppermint based Gum Disease Remedies?

Many natural remedies contain peppermint oil. The reason for this is one anybody suffering from a gum infection will normally be suffering from bad breath.

This is because the bacteria breathing in your mouth, releases gas and it smells. So, the Peppermint will immediately mask that smell but it will do very little, if anything, to kill off the bacteria in your mouth. Some peppermint-based remedies may contain tea tree oil.  

Tea tree oil has been used for many years to kill off bacteria in the mouth and on the skin. Tea tree oil is a mild antibacterial and anti-fungal. It will kill off a small number of germs and leave your mouth feeling fresh.   But it is not sufficient or powerful enough to protect your gums.  

It’s not powerful enough to go down into the socket, into the root of the tooth and kill off the bacteria that that are loosening off around the roots of your teeth. So, peppermint-based remedies are generally NOT good enough

Mouthwash for Gum Disease?

You may find mouthwashes being advertised as a protection or a treatment for gum infection.   I have never yet come across a mouthwash that is strong enough to kill off the bacteria that breeds in the socket of your teeth.

Whilst a mouthwash will leave your mouth smelling fresh for an hour or two, it will do nothing towards killing off the bacteria which will save your teeth.  

Do not, under any circumstances, use mouthwash as a treatment for loose teeth, gum infection, gingivitis or any part any gum ailment that needs serious antibacterial action.

Hydrogen Peroxide Solution for Gum Infections?

Hydrogen Peroxide is very good for killing off surface bacteria in your mouth and gums. That is if you can get the right solution, diluted correctly, without burning your mouth, you can then swill the solution around your gums and it will kill off the surface bacteria.  

However, the hydrogen peroxide, being of being a solution that is watered down, that is weakened with water, we cannot stick to your teeth or gums. So, use it, swill it around, spit it out and that’s the end of it.

Hydrogen peroxide solution has never been proven to eradicate completely gum disease. If you are in danger of losing your teeth then I would strongly recommend not using hydrogen peroxide solution and treat your gums right, first time, so that you don’t risk losing your teeth.

Aloe Vera – a Natural Remedy for Gum Disease?

Some people recommend using aloe vera for your gum infections.   This may be effective for stopping some mild forms of gingivitis or bad breath, but it is not an effective treatment against deep-seated bacteria.  

Harsh infections will cause you your gums to recede and cause you to lose your teeth.   Aloe vera is NOT good enough.

Oil Pulling as a Natural Gum Disease Remedy?

This is an Ayurvedic treatment where a small amount of oil, usually coconut oil is swilled backward and forwards in the mouth around the tooth.   Coconut oil has antimicrobial and antibiotic effects, but this effect is extremely small   So coconut oil is not strong enough to kill off the bacteria and unless you kill this bacteria you will Orme you may lose your teeth.

I would not recommend using coconut oil pulling as a natural gum infection remedy.

Onions as a Natural Gum Disease Remedy?

Yes, some people actually recommend using RAW onion for the relief of gum infections.   Well, onions do have a powerful natural antibiotic and antifungal ability. However, onions absolutely stink they stink worse than bad breath caused by gum infection.   Not only that, but the onions also are not strong enough, so again you’re going to be left wide open to further infection.  

Don’t use the onion, it will stink, and it won’t work.

Lemon as a Natural Remedy for Gum Disease?

Lemon juice will soothe your gums and it will help to prevent bad breath.   But no lemon juice remedy is claiming to actually kill off the bacteria which will save your teeth.   Right now, your gums are being eaten alive by bacteria.   The lemon juice will not kill off his bacteria, so don’t use lemon juice other than to make your breath smell fresh

Clove oil as a Natural Remedy for Gum Disease?

  Clove oil has been used for thousands of years as an analgesic, that is a painkiller.   For people suffering from oral or dental problems it is an excellent painkiller.   You simply put a few drops of the neat clove oil onto your tooth and it will offer almost instant pain relief.

So, clove oil is an excellent painkiller, but it is not a good enough natural antibiotic, so on its own it is NOT a good enough natural remedy for gum infection.

Antioxidants as a Natural Remedy for Gum Disease?

Some people recommend the use of antioxidants to stimulate your immune system. This is probably a good idea after you have got rid of the gum infection.
Imagine if you had gone into an emergency room in a hospital suffering from a wound that needed a surgeon to fix it, would you take antioxidants? No.

You would allow the surgeon to make a physical repair of your wound. Only afterwards would you consider things like supplements to speed up the healing process. So, do not use antioxidants as a first line of defence against gum infections. Antioxidants are NOT a natural gum infection remedy

There are only two ways that I know of that you can effectively and naturally treat gum infection they are powerful antibiotic plant extracts – and powerful homeopathic ingredients that have deep antibiotic properties.

How To Get Rid Of Gum Infection Without Antibiotics

PROOF on US Government Website:
This unique Gum Disease Formula contains powerful antibiotic plant extracts from Mother Nature

Here is a scientific research project proving that Myrrha does kill the bacteria that cause gum disease.

The Gum Formula also contains 3 homeopathic treatments that help kill the bacteria and support your immune system. These homeopathic treatments are
Myristica sebifera 12c, Bryonia 12c, Silica 12c

Herbal and Homeopathic Natural Gum Disease Remedies

Strong Herbs + Proven Homeopathy = The Best Natural Remedy for Gum Disease

Last but not least, you need to know that you have the power and the intelligence to get rid of your gum disease.

Always get yourself checked out by your dentist. On the whole, they are kind, caring, intelligent and professional. If you need your teeth sorted – get them sorted. But then it is up to you to look after your gums – and never suffer from gum disease again.
Francis Taylor List Of Natural Remedies For Gum Disease


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